Thursday, 22 May 2008

Reach for the tap

So, today someone I have known for YEARS invited me to join "We Want Tap" on Facebook (which, by the way, is the most fantastic thing ever invented. I actually have a date on Saturday with someone I used to work with who I haven't seen for about 5 years). At first I thought it was going to be some sort of Downing Street petition to put Fred Astaire and Jimmy Slyde back on the map, but then I realised it is an ACTUAL MOVEMENT to get people to drink tap water over bottled water. Seeing as the UK has some of the world's most clean/pure drinking water in the world, this makes total sense. I'm just kicking myself that I didn't market this - I always drink tap water!

Anyhow, "We Want Tap" is a great way to get the British (and, hopefully, worldwide) public to realise that our water is plenty good enough to drink and that it'll probably mean that a few less birds get caught up in all the plastic bottles we have floating around. And it's got to be better on the wallet, seeing as a litre of bottled mineral water costs more than a litre of gasoline. Try it!

Thursday, 1 May 2008


Do you think Capitalists would be allowed to do this in other countries? (Photos taken on the street right outside my office).

At least there was someone trying to make the best of an otherwise disturbing situation: