Thursday 20 March 2008

The Bard of Downing Street

It seems there is a poet amongst them...

There is a hunt on for an elusive, Blairite poet who wrote this fabulous little ditty:

At Downing Street upon the stair,
I met a man who wasn't Blair.
He wasn't Blair again today,
Oh how I wish he'd go away.

John Hutton was accused of writing the piece by his Shadow, Alan Duncan who said it could only have been one person". John Hutton rebuked the claim, saying that he would "write better poetry than that." I think John Hutton was right to deny that he had anything to do with the poem. If he had been feeling creative, the outcome would probably have been more like:

Oh, Mr Brown, no-one likes you!
(Unless you're Muslim, Chinese or Hindu).
Please disappear, without a trace
Before this country you utterly disgrace.

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