Thursday 13 March 2008


How very interesting...

Darling, or Badger Face, as he is so lovingly called, has not only used his first ever budget to tell us that we can't drink, smoke or drive, but he is also screwing over the whiskey industry with no extra pennies going in to the Treasury purse. In fact, the tax is thought to to bring in £2.3bn over the next 2 years, the same as it did in the period 2006-7 (Official Budget Report, (which, just out of interest, is called "Stability and Opportunity". Ha! Ha!) page 187). I don't know about you, but this makes no sense to me. It obviously made no sense to the spokesman for the Treasury, either:

"We are dealing in billions here," he said. "Figures are being lost in the roundings. But we don't have anything more specific right now – these are all estimates."

I would have liveblogged the Budget, but I knew it would be much better portrayed here and here.)

Alistair, dear, you fucked up the DWP, and then the DfT. What the heck do you know about anything monetary?

But, you know what pissed me off even more than the Budget itself? During Cameron's comeback when he stated that Labour have given Britain the legacy of having the highest tax burden in history, that dingleberry, Ed Balls, had the gaul to say "so what?" So what? I suppose, when you claim over £300,000 in allowances each year, it doesn't really matter.

1 comment:

coffeesnob said...

is he anything like capt. darling from "blackadder"?