Thursday 6 September 2007

I have no idea

how HRH managed to damage herself to such an extent. She's not hugely agile - in fact, she's clumsy enough that she tries not to compete agility-wise with other creatures because SHE KNOWS SHE WILL LOSE. Either that or CAUSE DAMAGE. But, somehow, she managed to herniate a disc. That's what the MRI showed at 8pm last night. But, you think she was happy causing HERSELF MAJOR AGGRAVATION and tormenting her humans? Noooo. As well on this she had a MASSIVE BLEED. Like, hello, IS COMPROMISING YOUR SPINAL CHORD NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU? They completed the MRI at about 9pm last night, and decided to take her straight in to surgery for 5 hours. She was out at about 2.30am. The vet explained how the bleed was a lot worse than anyone could have imagined, and that she had been forced to remove a lot more of the bone in HRH's spine than anticipated. However, the surgery was a success, and now she will be kept under heavy sedation for about 3 days so she can't move and cause more trouble. There is no telling right now if she'll be able to walk again, but things are looking slightly brighter. She won't be home for about 2 weeks.

Our insurance covers up to £5000 of treatment, and last night the bill was very close to £7000. I somehow have to find over £2000, and I don't think my bank manager is going to understand. If anyone knows of any wealthy animal lovers, please point them in this direction! Also, if you're on facebook, please take a minute to join my group.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Eventually, I'll get onto facebook (and I'll be sure to join your group) but until then, I'll keep my fingers crossed for HRH!

So great to meet you today! If you're ever out in SF, be sure to let me know! ;) xo