Monday 10 September 2007

So, I drove to Newmarket on Saturday

as the vet said it was OK to visit HRH. We went to the neurological 'ward', where she has the biggest cage, equipped with a heat lamp for colder nights and and a fan for when she's too warm. She lies atop a vast amount of blankets, a mattress and has pillows all around her. In a vein in her front right leg, wrapped in a bright red bandage, is her IV which is administering the sedative, saline and Ketamine, and she also has a catheter and a pee bag, as she still cannot go herself. She was very sedated when we got there, but as soon as we opened the door to her cage, and she realised who we were, her eyes brightened, her ears pricked up and she started crying, trying to drag herself closer to us. I climbed in to her cage to try and calm her, and sat with her for about an hour. The nurse asked if I would like to feed her, as she has been quite fussy, refusing to eat when they offer her food, so I was passed a bowl with some canned food and some cooked chicken and I fed her the chicken by hand and then she finished what was in her bowl. She has a huge shaved patch and wound with loads of stitches running about half the length of her back. By the time it heals, she'll probably look like a Rhodesian Ridgeback. We left at about 4, (visiting hours were only 2-4pm) and made the 2.5 hour journey home. It was terrible leaving her - but at least we know she's in the most ideal place. The staff are so kind and they are specialists in animal neurology so there really is nothing more that we can do.

On Sunday I drove to see my mum and brother to see my youngest brother at school, because it was his 18th birthday. We took him out for some lunch and left him with a huge cake and some beers for him to have with his friends on Sunday evening. I cannot believe that my little brother (who's actually nearly a head taller than me and built like a brick sh*t house from playing rugby) is already 18. He makes me feel so old.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to hear HRH is recovering steadily! I'm sending positive vibes from over here!