Friday 26 October 2007

It's not something one's doctor can do straight away, you see

So, I saw my surgeon yesterday. He examined me, poked me, prodded me, hummed and hawed and with a frown told me he was not happy that the disc at L5/S1 hadn't done what he had hoped, and that I would definitely need the epidural and other injections. Great! A couple of injections - that's nothing if it's going to MAKE THE PAIN GO AWAY. And then he told me that not only could he not do it for 10 days (he's off on holiday again) but that he has to do it under general anaesthetic. WTF?? They don't knock pregnant women out when they give them an epidural, do they? So, again I ask, WTF?? Before I had a chance to ask him why, I was ushered out of the door and he was on to his next patient.

So, I will be out of action on Monday November 5th. The procedure is early morning and I get to leave early evening. I'm not sure how this will affect NaBloPoMo. Maybe I shall write something and see if I can text it to my blog on that day. Does anyone know if this actually works?


Apex Zombie said...

Hmm, I'm not sure about the text posting. I think you can email a post in, and if you're able to send emails from your mobile, you might be able to do that? I'm really not sure though. Sorry i couldn't be of much help.

About the anaesthetic. I'm not sure what you're going through, but I believe I saw on American Choppers (of all places, I know), Paul Snr. had to have an injection for his back pain, and they knocked him out I think. I can't be sure though. Hopefully that puts you a bit more at ease.

Thank you for your comment in my blog, by the way :)

coffeesnob said...

nevermind nablo. what about guy fawkes?