Tuesday 23 October 2007

Not such a food snob after all

I do think of myself as a food snob. I won't buy pasta sauces in a jar, (they're so easy to make and cheaper than Ragu) or microwave meals. I try to buy fresh produce from the local Farmer's Market as often as possible. I'm not too keen on cooking, but I prefer to know, and choose, more or less how much salt and fat is in the food I feed my family and tend to steer clear of processed stuff. (Let's just say you will never, EVER catch me eating a breakfast burrito).

Apart from this:

This is my lunch every day. Powdered, cheese flavoured stuff with little bits of dried pasta and broccoli - put in a mug with boiling water and leave for 4 minutes. Sounds rather revolting but it is actually the best thing ever. After nicer stuff, obviously.

Try it! I dares ya.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yea! I'm so glad you joined NaBloPoMo. I'm going to go celebrate by having another Mega Breakfast Burrito.