Sunday 1 April 2007

12 Things

1. I live in London, but not in the centre. I hate great hordes of people, especially tourists. You know, the ones who amble around as if everyone wants to walk slowly. NEWSFLASH: After a long day at work, I do like to get home. As soon as possible. I do not take kindly to being held up by groups of 5 tourists walking with their arms linked, forming some great, big barrier. I do, however, find it funny walking right up behind them and shouting "excuse me!" very loudly. It makes me laugh.

2. I spent the first 10 years of my life growing up in Argentina. This has made me who I am today. My first language was Spanglish.

3. My English is quite Anglo-american, (I say 'sidewalk' instead of 'pavement' with a proper English accent.. You walk on the side of the road. You know it makes sense) although I have a feeling I'm becoming more Anglo all the time.

4. I am not well travelled enough. I have visited four continents, and have run out of space in my passport 3 times in 4 years. But there is always so much to see and do, with never enough time.

5. I have a passion for cars. I follow Formula One religiously, watch and participate (occasionally) in stock car races and renovate cars for fun.

6. My family and friends are my life. This is probably after growing up in a Latin country. You don't seem to see much of that same feeling here. For example, there are very few old people's homes in Argentina. Children are more likely to give up their job to look after the sick/elderly parent that made them, carried them and kept them than palm them off somewhere else.

7. I love my job. I do not dread mornings, or any morning for that fact. I do not mind early starts and late finishes. I love Mondays.

8. I read a lot. All the time, in fact. I draw the line at chick-flick type romaces about shopping and manicures, but frequently read popular novels, as well as re-reading the Classics. I love Maeve Binchy, Stephen King, Thomas Harris, Dickens, Austen, the Bronte sisters, Hardy, Darwin and then some.

9. When I was young, all I wanted to be was a Saint when I grew up (Catholicism does all sorts of strange things to you). Then (much) later when I understood that they do not 'climax' (hey, this is a clean(ish) blog) I changed my mind. Now, I am aiming at becoming a trader. That way, I can retire early and go and live in a treehouse somewhere far, far away.

10. I have a 2.i BSc in Zoology with Honours. I love science, in particular Biology and the Theory of Evolution, even though I am not particularly good at it.

11. I paint, draw, take photographs, sew and print. I become extremely relaxed doing something 'arty'. And the extra money doesn't hurt at all.

12. I play a few instruments. I first learned guitar and banjo from my uncle and grandfather - pretty much before I could even wal. I have played jazz piano, sax and clarinet for years. I have never passed Grade 1 on any instrument because I cannot read music.