Tuesday 31 July 2007

Now THIS pisses me off...

(Courtesy of the Daily Mail website).

"The Asian Tiger, which is thriving thanks to global warming..." sounds very much to me like propaganda. How can they print so much rubbish? Playing straight in to the government's hands regarding extra taxes that are, apparently, going to make Britain more eco-friendly. This whole 'global warming' theory is just that. A THEORY. There is so much speculation and pretty much no hard evidence, and yet the whole "CO2 emissions are how we're all killing the environment" is not only bullshit (please excuse my French) but also completely unfounded. There is so much evidence to the contrary it's unreal. Now, don't get me wrong. I know full well we're damaging the planet. Of course we are! There are billions of people trampling over it, removing the nutrients with excessive crop planting and mismanagement - it is these things that need to be tackled, and in a much more pro-active (expensive) way than at present. The thing is, it's so much easier for the government to say that they are saving the world by charging extra (illegal) taxes on flights, by upping the amount of tax on fuel and on the roads. That way, they get to spout all this tree-hugging, let's all be eco-warriors, hippie crap which fills the party coffers.

Very sneaky indeed.

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