Monday 6 August 2007

Creature of the night

So, I was out walking HRH on Saturday, soon after midnight, (it was a quiet weekend, ok?) when she suddenly saw something crossing the road. Disobeying me, she ran over to it until I shouted at her. I walked over to see what it was that what it was she was staring at so intently. It was one of these little critters:

That's it. A hog of the hedge. They don't always curl up in to a ball when they feel threatened. Sometimes they simply freeze. The one I saw had stopped, mid-stride with his front left leg up and ready to move ahead, right in the middle of the road. I was worried he might get run over by a car so I picked him up and put him under the gate that leads to the allotments. He was a real fatty.


Brown said...

You mean they don't roll up into a ball and accelerate to high speeds while collecting rings and jumping to unimaginable heights via trampolines?

What a jip.

Monstee said...


Them am best kind!