Monday 20 August 2007

Dear Argentina,

I love you. So much. You are my motherland, my blood, my HOME. But, please let me ask, WHAT ON EARTH WERE YOU DOING ON SATURDAY??

It started out so well. We were 7 points up after Corleto speedily intercepted the flat pass that Gareth Thomas was stupid enough to all but announce. Then your defence waned a little, and our try and conversion was matched by Thomas. I thought you had just gotten a little lazy after your opening statement, but by half time, the two Jones' had scored another two tries and we trailed their 24 points with our measly 7. Borges obviously decided he'd had enough of Wales being in the lead and performed the most awful and illegal tackle, which awarded him with 10 minutes in the sin bin. Wales had 64% of the territory and 65% possession.

You decided to actually make an effort in the second half. You had the majority of both possession and territory. Borges and Corleto, you both totally punished the Welsh defence and opened them up so wide you could have driven a monster truck down there with room to spare, and Wales missed again and again as they tried to kick the ball in to touch. Todeschini gained valuable points on a penalty kick, Corleto tried again, and Todeschini converted. Alvarez won a line out, but Durand fumbled in the last few minutes of play and his try was not awarded. You let the Welsh beat you by 7 points. The same people who speak a strange language in that remote part of Patagonia and love their sheep a little too much? YOU LET THEM WIN.

But I'm not one to hold a grudge. I love you like I love my mother. It is the awesome, unrepentant love that a child shows for a parent. But, I implore you, my boys in blue: please, please, PLEASE open your eyes and realise that the RWC starts very soon. And, that play like you exhibited on Saturday? It's just NOT ACCEPTABLE. You have a lot of work to do.

Mucho amor,

Little Sausage x x x


coffeesnob said...

is isn't everday you meet a girl who can identify deficencies in the line-out...

Anonymous said...

'At a girl, coach. Give em that tough love!