Thursday 21 June 2007

Christ on a bike

As if the Segway, being used by cops in the United States wasn't bad enough...

The British police have decided to up the level of dorkiness to extreme, and are soon to be travelling around on, (wait for it) the T3 Motion!

The Personal Mobility Vehicle has, apparently had much interest from the Greater Manchester Police force, amongst others (who were obviously too embarassed to be named). The granny-mobile costs approximately £4,500, can reach up to 25mph, has a range of 20 miles (so officers can travel from the station, to the Krispy Kreme hut in the centre and back again) and is even equipped with a siren and blue flashing lights. The police force in Manchester are delighted that they will no longer have to walk or catch a bus for their donuts, and the arrest rate will undoubtedly increase, as criminals are unable to run when rolling on the floor in fits of laughter.


coffeesnob said...

told you this was the age of indolence. even for mr plod.

Brown said...

you won't be laughing when they add turbo boosters and can shoot giant nets to catch criminals.

(I bet they're iPod compatible too!)

Anonymous said...

I thought cops on bikes was bad enough...I guess they just thought all that physical activity was just counteracting the cardiovascular damage of the donuts a little too well.

Kim Ayres said...

Like the Daleks in early Dr Who episodes, they will be foiled if the criminal runs up the stairs to get away

Little sausage said...

They'll be too bust snarfing down their donuts to notice..