Monday 25 June 2007


Okay so, Friday (at BANG ON 12pm) my boss stands up and says to us that he fancies a pint. I think this is a brilliant idea - we've all been über busy this week - and am the first one to grab my bag and my shades and bolt to the door. We go to a little pub on the corner, kind of Strand/Aldwych-way, where the homeless man/woman stands outside. We had 3 drinks each - now, seriously, whilst they drank 3 pints of Guinness, I was being handed 3 large glasses of Bonarda (a very nice Argentine red and if you haven't tried it I suggest you do so. Right now). That means that between 12 and 1.30 in the afternoon I drank an entire bottle of wine. With no food. This, I would have been able to deal with, but at 5.30, the guys decide that we're all finishing early and going for another drink. I had to get home and get to a party in SW7 before 10pm. Which I did, but ended up drinking water all night, as I knew that if I didn't dilute the alcohol zooming it's way amongst my RBCs and platelets, I would knock someone out from the fumes that were no doubt evaporating from my skin.

I was so lazy on Saturday. And I loved every minute of it. I didn't get up until about 9am (about 2 litres of water the night before and I was in and out of bed like a yoyo) when I rushed around showering, filling the washing machine and took the dog for a jog. A highly leisurely one. By 3pm, I had 2 loads of laundry on the line and a third one in the machine, had gone to IKEA for 6 blinds and installed them, been to the farmer's market for some yummy stuff, walked the dog again, and was lying outside in the sun. Until it started raining (it's now Monday morning - the rain let up at about 3am and apparently today we are going to have more rain than we have in the past 50 years). At 6pm I started making dinner for 17 people. I had promised my friends a fajita night and cooked beef for the carnivores, chicken for those who do not eat mammals and vegetables for those who eat neither. More people turned up, so it was a good thing that I had made too much of everything, and that everyone likes nachos.

Sunday I cleaned up spots of re-fried beans and guacamole from the floor and mopped it. And then went back to bed.

That is the extent of my excitement. Seriously.


Anonymous said...

Great story. And, for the record, whenever I read your blog, I hear it in my head with an accent that is just like Keira Knightly's. Especially when you say stuff like "fancies a pint". :)

Little sausage said...

Accent-wise you'd be spot on! :)

By the way, what is it about the British accent that you guys across the pond tend to like so much?

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you could use another Sunday to rest from your weekend! Excitement indeed!

Anonymous said...

I don't like all British accents the same. For example, Elizabeth Swann >>>>>> Mrs. Doubtfire. :)

Little sausage said...

Mrs Doubtfire was Scottish! Wasn't 'she'?

Anonymous said...

Bob's your uncle, I guess she was. ;)
In that case, I guess I *do* like all (female) British accents.

RB said...

Wow, I am impressed. 17 people you say? I made Mexican for 5 the other night and I was dying. (Thanks for the Mexican restaurant suggestions, by the way. I won't be cooking again anytime soon!)