Wednesday 27 June 2007

Right..., Gordon Brown is, as of today, Britain's Prime Minister. Day before yesterday he was publicly scathed by the Lib Dems (amongst others) for attempting to poach Paddy Ashdown for his 'new' government. Ming Campbell deplored him, as did Lord Ashdown for "underhand tactics". How dare Gordon Brown be so snide? The man is an absolute menace.

Matters are not helped when, the next day, this man becomes a traitor, and defects to The Labour Party, saying that the Conservative agenda is one big PR stunt. This, coming from the man who is defecting to the one party whose entire administration has been based on PR stunts and spin. And to choose yesterday of all days to do so. And released the letter to the press, to humiliate Cameron and the Tory party to the hilt. I would be extremely interested to know just what Labour (Gordon) offered Davies to defect from a party from which he has been a member for 30 years, yesterday of all days.

This underhand, sneaky, poisonous man will be our Premier for the next 10 months or so. He has already run us in to the ground - espero a Dios, that the British public realises what a coño he is, and does not vote Labour in again.

1 comment:

coffeesnob said...

the (cameron) tories are a pr stunt. they've consciously modeled themselves on the successful methods of new labour. from a distance they don't seem so far apart: both are centrists.