Thursday 21 June 2007

Down the street from my office

is a homeless man. Well, I'm not sure if he's homeless right now but, let's just say he is trying to get back on his feet after being homeless. I'm not quite sure whether or not it is PC to call him a 'him' anyway. He's not been sexually reassigned, that's for sure. But this dude, who must be about 6' 6" at least, wears a skirt, old Nike trainers, knee high socks that look like a Pringle knock-off, (seriously, same socks EVERY day) a huge wooly cardigan and a bonnet. He is so well spoken, but living on the streets seems to have made him a bit crazy. I have bought 3 big issues from him this month. All the same issue, because i feel so bad.

People should not be homeless like that.

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