Thursday 21 June 2007

Coffee beans!

If you can find the man in the coffee beans in less than 3 seconds, your brain is developed more than most other people. If you find the man in between 3 seconds and 1 minute, then the right half of your brain is developed normally. If you find him in between one minute and three minutes the right half of your brain is working slower than normal, and if it takes you more than 3 minutes to find the man, your brain is functioning slowly (so eat more protein!!).

If you cannot find the man at all, your brain is a mess and you should probably ask the vet to put you out of your misery.


The right side of my brain is developed normally.


Kim Ayres said...

What if you find a badger...

Little sausage said...

If you find a badger then you're a genius!

Brown said...

3 seconds . . . . a man, a finger, 2 kilos of coke, and the virgin Mary.

Shhhh . . . I see dead people!