Wednesday, 1 August 2007

I love bad stuff way too much...

...and, at the same time, have developed a severe disliking for my gym. I am one of the few females who does not wear lime green hot pants and a bra when I work out (the others being 70 year olds who rock up in their chauffeur driven Rollers). I prefer loose clothing that I am comfortable in, and that when I work out the sweat cannot be seen pouring down my back. I also do not like the men who look as if their biceps are about to explode, and up the poundage when you walk past. Don't get me wrong, I do plenty of exercise. Long dog walks, morning jogs, regular squash games, horse riding, rugby (in season) and more dance classes than you can count on one and a half hands (presuming you have 5 digits on each).

BUT - I love wine. Lots of it. In summer I like cold beer too, although not at the same time. I love cheese, and proper fresh bread and chocolate and red meat and pasta and potatoes. All of which are not particularly great for you. So, for the next 2 months, I will be eating like a rabbit. No, not like this, but more like a selection of vegetables (and fruit) and nothing else. This is mainly so I don't look like a beached whale in a bikini and scare off all the Portuguese locals in October. I don't think I'll be giving up mi vino though.


Anonymous said...

a little bit of what you fancy does you good. plus what's wrong with looking like a beached whale? the worst thing that could happen is a group of greenpeace people spotting you and dragging you back into the water. all good fun, I say.

Anonymous said...

I prefer looking like a beached butt, actually. (Oh, and red wine is good for you...) :)