Tuesday 1 May 2007


This morning I was asked, "what is favourite austen novel and favourite austen heroine. and why why why?" I didn't really have to think about this. As boring as this answer may be, it will always be Pride and Prejudice. No, not because I like to see Colin Firth prance around in tights, (although, yes, the original BBC dramatization is inherently better than the new Hollywood version - Keira Knightley is most certainly not Elizabeth Bennet in any way, shape or form) but because I do feel akin to above mentioned Miss Bennet. Whereas with me, I was never even remotely my father's favourite, but am much closer to my mother. I also have two brothers and not four sisters. Thank God. I like to think I am spirited, and kind (in my own special way) but just not as naive as to judge people on the opinions of others. I do, however, feel that what she says here rings so very, very true with me:

"There are few people whom I really love, and still fewer of whom I think well. The more I see of the world, the more I am dissatisfied with it; and everyday confirms my belief of the inconsistency of all human characters, and of the little dependence that can be placed on the appearance of either merit or sense."

Wise words I think.

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