Friday 25 May 2007

I have been told

that I should try online dating in an attempt to end my current dry spell. I said no. No way, no how. I do not want to tell the members of lonely hearts websites my chest size, or what I like to do when I'm alone some evenings. Hell, no. I'd rather eat my arm. All the way to my elbow.
Even if I have a choice between online dating and remaining a Singleton (later to become a Spinster - ouch) for all eternity, the answer is still no. I understand that relationships happen, blah blah blah, especially when and where you least expect them, blah blah blah, but I will NOT go looking for a relationship on or something equally as revolting. Eugh.

I do, however, need to get me some lovin'. And not just a quick shag. I just want someone who will talk to meeee. And listen, of course. Damn, I'm just not good at this. And I can't believe I'm actively looking. It's not like my Biological Clock is ticking loudly at me or anything. Why on earth do I feel I need a boyfriend? Aaargh! Now I'm just angry at myself. Bugger.


Anonymous said...

I saw your post on TINA, and it led me over to your blog. Funny stuff. You should come by

There's all kinds of fun over there. You'd fit in great.

Brad said...

Hey buck up camper! At 22 you are soooooo far removed from being a spinster it isn't even funny.

For now, enjoy being young and single. When it's eventually over, you will wish you did.....well that's what all my married friends tells me.

Is there a term for a male spinster?

Anonymous said...

Dude. Don't knock internet dating. That's how me and The Brit met. Well, kinda...we met at a party my co-worker hosted; she'd met The Brit's roommate on I attended the party as her friend, The Brit attended as his roommate's friend. And voila. So, ok, neither one of us was actually online dating at the time. But whatever. That's not the point.

The point is you need to HANG OUT with people who are internet dating. :)

(And if you're really 22, girlfriend, you should be livin' la vida LOCA!!)

Little sausage said...

Now I just have to get my friends to admit they're in to internet dating...

Dudette, there's some crazy shite going down - just sin novio!